Websocket interface limitations

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WebSocket Interface Restrictions (Free Trial Version)

1. IP Restrictions

  • For users utilizing the same token and IP address, the system only allows one WebSocket connection.

  • This means that if you attempt to establish a connection again with the same credentials, the new connection attempt will be rejected.

2. Connection Limit

  • To protect backend services from excessive requests, the maximum number of simultaneous connections for the stock-ws-api is limited to 100.

  • If the number of attempted connections exceeds this limit, the excess connection attempts will be directly disconnected.

  • This limit may be adjusted in the future based on the service's performance.

3. Interface Call Frequency Limit

  • Within a single WebSocket connection, the interval between requests must be at least 1 second.

  • For example, if User A sends a request through WebSocket at 28 minutes and 30 seconds and attempts to send another request within the same second, then the second request will be rejected by the system.

4. Quote Subscription Limit

  • Via a single WebSocket connection, a user can subscribe to quote information for a maximum of 5 stock codes (codes) at a time.

  • If an attempt is made to subscribe to more than 5 codes, the system will only process the subscription requests for the first 5 codes and ignore the rest.


  • Please plan your WebSocket connections and request strategies according to these restrictions to avoid unnecessary service interruptions.

  • These restrictions are designed to ensure that all users can access the service fairly and efficiently, while also protecting the backend service from undue load.

  • If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact the technical support team in a timely manner.

Official Website

Official website: https://alltick.co/

Last updated